Hi everyone, an update, it seems that I am not progressive enough for ACTBLUE to support. Its not about policy, I outlined my position and how I supported Democratic ideas in my email response to them. I doesn’t appear to be because I am a new Candidate, because they support new candidates.

It would appear that ACTBLUE is more interested in perpetuating the status quo of polarization and dysfunction that is occurring right now. That heaven forbid that you actually try to engage with someone that isn’t a Democrat.

It would appear that since I requested a cap on donations, they do not see my campaign as a cash cow for them to make money on.

It leaves a lot to wonder when they took almost a month to make a decision, and decline you with no explanation, just how transparent they are. They are a private financial institution and they do support all the BIG NAME Democrats. But while everyone is out there saying we need more Democrats and Progressives to run. We get shut out because of ACT BLUE.

Want to know what’s wrong with Politics ?

Just think about what just happened.

Until I can set up another online account-If you want to donate please send a check to the address for my campaign. ACT BLUE has made things tougher for me but I will set something up very soon. Thanks for your support

I am going to request donations are limited to a maximum of $200, I am a firm believer in Campaign Finance Reform, I think that Citizens United has ruined our country, and I think there should be a spending limit for each campaign and office. It should be government-funded and monitored. Bring the honesty and integrity back to the offices we swore to serve, not have it become a cash cow.

I am trying to do my part, please support that

This website was paid for by the campaign for and I approve this messages William A Rasmussen