volunteer opportunities and engagement

52 Places to Volunteer in Seattle


HPA Volunteer Opportunities


Volunteer Olympia


Puget Sound Keeper Volunteer


Volunteer Match, Lacey


Lacey Parks and Recreation Volunteer


City of Lacey Volunteer


We find our country in a time of Chaos right now, and its time we do something to help ourselves and those around us. On this page is a list of ways you can Volunteer.

and right next is some ways that you can work towards a better job and a better quality of life.

These are just tools to start, But its up to you to start, if you need help ? just ask. There is help out there for everyone.

How to Volunteer-Indeed


I Want to address

How can I help people that are struggling? Because they are struggling finding a job. They lack the skills for the job market these days. Its not their fault, but the job market has changed. And some have been left behind.

Lets figure out some things we can do. First, there are jobs that are looking for people that want to learn a new job, its about showing your committed to the job and ready to learn.

Next, there are Unions that have an apprentice program available

Another is colleges and trade schools are offering specialized training for jobs

Another is especially in medical is the opportunity to get training and experience while working in a health care facility

There are online schools, and a lot of programs on youtube being offered. If your looking at college level stuff there is the “StudyHall” resource link attached. There is Courcera for classes and entire degree programs

If your dedicated to some ideas and looking for opportunity, the US Military is a great place to start. Its not just a pay check, its about a whole lot more, I will add links to a recruiter below. These are just a start of what you can do, better jobs, better pay, better benefits, all in one package.

There are resources at the state and county level, those links are below, and much more

If you still don’t know, go to the local state or county employment and jobs councilor near you and start having that discussion, If you still don’t know how or where to start, contact me, I probably can point you in the right direction. There are people out there to help you succeed. All you have to do is ask.

Teamwork starts with people who step up and help solve the problems. If you don't have time, there is always moral support, money, getting the word out, or just saying thank you to volunteers.

If you don’t know how to start, link below may help. If still not sure- just ask. I always found that no one turns down free help, and worse thing they can do is say NO. Find what your passionate about, step up, and jump in,

We all need some encouragement, support, and a sense of belonging to a group or something, Helping your neighbors in time of need is a great feeling, sustaining that help is priceless to you, them, and the community