NEW and Important
OMG Where is this idiot taking us ? Trump has taken $1 Billion dollars from programs that feed kids in Schools and help local economies. If you support this menace we need to address your issues, but you are literally one of the worst people on this planet if you support trump for this.
For everyone else, we need to fix this, for everyone’s sake
We must address more about air, water, and pollution in general -its a health issue-As a Respiratory Therapist I know what having clean air and water means to our health
We must continue to address climate change -stay the course for energy sustainability and ecosystem service we get from our environment
To address the solid waste impact on our lands and what ends up in our environment
We need to address Infrastructure issues, roads bridges, water ways, water pipes, sewers, and all that, its not sexy but its what a civilization prosperous and healthy. It reduces cost for transportation for goods and services, it provides for a clean environment, and a general convivence to all
But we also need to address Public Transportation and accessibility for all, not just in the city but rural also
Education is a must, kids can not read, they can not pass grade math assessments. They are not getting into post high school education or jobs programs, they are leaving the state for educational and job opportunities, and we as Washington State Citizens are now, and will be depending on them in the future
This can not be fixed with money alone, it takes team work and even more dedication to all students success
We need to give Teachers, Parents, and all concerned the ability to fix their own schools, give them the tools, and give them the support they need. We must ensure that all students, no matter of their ability, has every opportunity to succeed
I place that is dynamic and spiritual rewarding to allow you to pause and reflect on the beauty we are blessed to be surrounded by
A lively cityscape of fun and enjoyment, that enriches the soul
A history that is shared and embraced by all
We have got to address crime, not just tackle it after the fact
We need to tackle the under- lying reasons crimes are occurring
the social inequality and unfair treatment
the racial prejudice that still occurs , the kids with no hope or even home
its not easy to deal with complicated problems, Republican answers have not solved anything and the Democrats can not get anything to get passed or even to work.
We must stay on course to eliminate the effects of child poverty. While we can not solve the income issue over- night. It is the right thing to do, making sure there is enough food, shelter, a safe place, good schools, and a process to help the parents get better jobs or education to work themselves out of poverty. Its about bringing everyone up
I am not going to say what a joke that Interstate 5 has become at times, it’s our problem to fix, it’s not supposed to be a parking lot
The Pacific North West is a treasure that we should all embrace, protect, and enjoy
A legacy to honor our past
I was a classroom Teacher- Jr though Senior High School, Science. I taught for the Army, and I taught for Medical Students. I know the struggles that schools and teachers face. We can not leave them holding the bag, blaming them for the problems that we face with schools. It is all of our fault, We need to stop trying to place the blame and start working together to fix the problem.
Now that I said what some of my issues should be, lets look at what we could be, as a United States of America, and the State of Washington
while we create or future
We must address prescription drug cost, especially for those that are fixed or low income. Deciding on eating or medications is not an option. We are the most prosperous country on the planet, no one should have to make that choice
Pulling everyone up is not just for the families with kids, its about everyone. We must address the housing affordability issue, We must address the homeless problem, the income inequality, and all that is all jumbled in to a great big ball that no-one has been able to resolve—yet
That takes a team and dedication to solving the problems, and money alone can not fix the problem, it will take changes in laws, and support from all concerned
For all that Washington has to offer us, I can not post on here, and I do not have the pictures I need to do all the people Justice. I want to add more as I proceed with this website. I hope some of you will send me pictures of Washington, and in particular if I can get some pictures that are culturally appropriate to tribal members