Do Republicans Remember this Man
Ronald Wilson Reagan (February 6, 1911 – June 5, 2004) was an American politician and actor who served as the 40th president of the United States from 1981 to 1989. He was a member of the Republican Party and became an important figure in the American conservative movement. His presidency is known as the Reagan era.
Why am I posting his picture ? Because I remember what he was to this country. I remember the strength he shared with us when it comes to defense and dealing with the Russians. I remember the phrase “ TRUST BUT VERIFY” when it came to dealing with the Russian President-Gorbachev. I remember when the Challenger incident occurred, I remember the Beirut Barracks, I remember a lot of things that we turned to him as the “Great Communicator” to help us deal with tragedy.
I did not agree with him on everything, but the man did have honor and integrity, that I remember the most, and I trusted that he was looking out for the common man -such as me and my family.
As a Republican, I was proud that he was my President and what he stood for. As an American I was proud of who we were. He was a true and authentic American.
I remember when being a Republican meant something, including words like support for the rule of law, the integrity of the people in government, the respect for all those that serve in uniform, especially the police. Support for the Constitution most of all.
I look at the Chaos that we all face now, with the president in office and wonder, what would Reagan think ? I wonder if Reagan would be sick at this point, watching the country, that he served in uniform to protect, that he lead as a Governor, and twice as President.
Reagan was not a perfect person, no one is. But he brought Honor and Dignity to that office.
If you could not vote for K. Harris, for what ever reason. That’s the past. What’s done is done. Where do we go from here ?
I am not running as a Democrat, I am not running as a Republican. I was a Republican that got left behind by extremist in the party. I am sure there are others out there that feel the same. Our present administration in Washington DC has allies and enablers, they are the Republicans that have not stood up and denounced him in public, like Liz Cheney did.
I share your values and concerns for all the people of the United States and the state of Washington. Yes I said all. I value the Constitution, a promise to the People of these United States, that I swore an oath to support and defend for over 27 years.
Equality for all, Equality under the law
We may not agree on everything, but I promise that I am looking out for everyone, as I have done everyday of my adult life. Whether it was in Oakland saving lives on the streets. In North Carolina working with premature babies, Iraq protecting the locals from insurgents and protecting my brothers and sisters in arms, to Afghanistan protecting the lives of my brothers and sisters, as well as locals.
If you can not bring yourself to vote for the Democrat, vote for me. The Republican party of Reagan has left this world and maybe will never return. Vote for me, because I do share your concerns about autonomy, about tax policy, about government interference in private matters. Especially now. I agree. Elon Musk and his DOGE have overstepped the bounds of what is right and just.
The administration is following Grover Norquist,” I don’t want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.”
Government does have a responsibility to all Americans, and we need to protect that. But they are looking to burn the whole thing down and create an Oligarchy where the rich, yes not you, the rich run everything. They will take away your benefits, they will take away your freedoms, and most of all they will take away your god given rights that the Constitution protects.
If you can not vote for that Democrat, vote for me
if you can not vote to support that Republican because he is an enabler for the current administration, vote for me
if you can not vote for the Republican because all you hear is toxic words about other Americans, that they can not even talk to their neighbors, vote for me
Its time for a change, its time to change how we think about each other, that goes for both sides. If your ready to start making that happen, check out what you can do in your community to volunteer to help others.
Look how we, together, can change from the vile polarization and demonization we have gotten ourselves into, to start working together to solve problems we all face.