Media and Announcements

Out and About Washington


RELEASE DATE: February 4, 2025

William A. Rasmussen is announcing his candidacy for the Washington State House of Representatives for District 2. Bill is a retired Army and Navy veteran. He is a Graduate Student at The Evergreen State College in the Master of Public Administration program and he holds a Bachelors in Eco-System Science and Sustainability from Colorado State University.

Bill’s background is primarily in the medical field as a Respiratory Therapist at both military and civilian medical facilities. Bill was a Field Corpsman/ Medic assigned and deployed to several conflict zones and has worked in public land management as a National Park Ranger

Bill has also worked as a classroom science teacher at the Junior and Senior high school level.

Throughout his career, Bill has always worked to serve others. His experience traveling the world, including conflict zones, gives him a unique perspective to what governing should look like. While Bill is running as an Independent, his focus to the future is progressive while he holds the conservative values that President Ronald Reagan held dear, including Inclusiveness, Respect, Integrity, and Accountability. The current Republican Party seems to have forgotten those values.

The issues Mr. Rasmussens wants to address include school funding -infrastructure, special education, graduation rates, and skills development to prepare for the future. Mr. Rasmussens also supports financial stability for the state and local government to be able to provide necessary services including addressing the drug addiction problem, homelessness, and mental health for those in the community not receiving help. These issues include suicide prevention. 22 veterans commit suicide each day, and they are not the only ones. Violence in the community and especially in schools are also a key issue for him. This is just a sample of what we face as a community, but it will take a team, and any candidate that says he is going to fix it, any candidate that says we need to run government like a business is missing the point of government. A business wants your money and treats you as an invoice.

As a member of an Engineering Company in Iraq and Afghanistan we could never accomplish any mission by ourselves. We work as a team, we succeed as a team, and we solve difficult problems as a team. As a Medic, we thrive on chaos, we are the ones running into the fire, pulling others out of the line of fire, risking our lives to save others.

Bill says: “I call on other veterans, community organizers, service providers to join me to tackle these and other problems. This country is in chaos now created by a party that feels it’s best to destroy what we have, what the founding fathers left for us, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.”

Mr. Rasmussen can be reached: email, and his website is the same. It will be his honor to serve the great state of Washington, the United States of America, and the world.